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by the way the Old Bay State is to have a look in another year at Washington for no doubt Harding & Coolidge will be there and I hope some one day. Weeks will be in the Cabinet. for Mass. not. that when we read of the Post Offc appointees they will not all be from sons of the Old Sod and we can in Mass see a good old name once more  I guess this will do for once

We have had dinner of roast beef stuffed, potatoes, peas, & lettuce out of our own garden, bread pudding.  my potatoes have come up and are budded  we shall have them early, Pa's beets and parsnips are not coming very good, so he has planted them over.  I enjoyed Junes letter she keeps up with the times. Berries are going to be thick again this year, blackberries are blossoming full, hope grapes are also going to be plenty  are you going to make any wine this year  I intend to if possible
