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Stoughton Dec 3rd 1922

Dear Doris

There seemes to be a lull in work so will scribble down a few lines to you while my oven full of squash and apple pies are baking. I didn't cook anything yesterday but a pot of beans and some fresh pork. Lena went off to Boston for the day and Aunt Maudes folks brought her home in their car, she went out there to see how the aunt was, she had not seen her since her shock, she looks much better than she did when she was here in the summer time I thought.

Well we had a nice chicken with all the fixings for Thanksgiving, Lena went in town and brought them home with her, she felt that we might go to extra extremes on her account otherwise, but she ought not to have done such a thing, so what could we do under the circumstances, in the afternoon we all went down after bitter sweet, it was a warm day over head but nasty