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Miss Taylor said that Percy had got tickets and she and Alice were going. I was up to Sues Friday Alice is going to lose her chance of teaching her Mother told me. she also told me that Amy was going to have an addition in her family and had told the little girl and said "now you must'nt tell any body its a secret". 'Cant I tell papa? Anna Leonard has been to her mothers all winter, he goes back and forth every day in his auto. So she doesn't hurt herself I guess with work the younger generation get along pretty easy I judge by the girls over across the way and a few others, Gertrude is a little worker she is full of ambition. A family are coming in down below in the Nevins house by the name of Maynard. Pa is getting ready for his siege I am afraid it will be too much with all the rest of his work, he gets pretty tired now. Lena did not show up this week but she wrote so we got it Tuesday. I am going to start dinner now I am going to get on my turnip, my cabbage I cooked yesterday, and corned beef. so long Ma.