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they have to live apart for the sake of the children  they are to have a time to make good.  otherwise to jail they go  dont know who will come in their place but guess Tony.  will be carefull who he lets to. now we had an open meeting of the Blue Lodge Thursday each member was [[?]] to invite in friends we had some 40 visitors and a good talk was given by the E[[?]] Master Shumfield who is a member of the order. the coming week Friday a good supper and a late meeting of the chapter, and on the 23rd of March they are to have a Ladies night are going to spend $150. for this time wish you could be here
I saw Ralph has to put most of his time in over at the Town house. Henry Britton was growling saying he was not going to be tied up in the Bank guess Ralph will have to get a clerk to help him out