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all thought it would never end. I thought of what you said in the letter about your having to stay any longer at home, in such an atmosphere and felt that way myself. Ella and Amos came up from Canton to attend it she was arrayed out in a new sealskin coat-which made her look pretty broad across the shoulders. Charley Field Porter Warren's boy in Avon was buried that same day. Mort says tell Doris that he thinks he has got some of the straight Yankey blood in him all right. he wants to come up soon and see that rug. he is painting Crafts picture now. The day I went overto Brockton coming home on the car I met Bertha and it seems Pa told her you were coming home in May, so she asked if you wanted her to reserve any time for you, so if you have anything let us know and we can tell her. Since I have got my new glasses the house looks pretty dirty to me, they are double visioned and shell bowed. I got a covering for my couch also. I have just sent in fifteen jackets so expect to be out of work for a while but guess there will be a plenty to do meanwhile. You ought to let up some on your public speaking 'till you get back to your normal state, it must be nerve racking well this will do for now 