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a lot of trouble to write it and he thought that I expected a good remuneration, so she allowed me a hundred dollars it almost took away my breath when he called me up on the telephone and announced it. He says doris will be surprised hi thinks. Well in the other two, Pa's negative of [[Hiram?]] Crafts, and the furniture, she allowed us sixty dollars, so on the whole I think we were pretty lucky don't you? The [[Adelphcan?]] with your article came this week and Pa stumbled onto your piece and he was so surprised he could hardly controll his voice as he read it aloud to me, it came upon us so by surprise you see was a good idea and glad you did it. I went down to your Mother Blakes to the funeral yesterday everything passed off all right, there was a room full of people. I had a few of the pinks, they are smelling up good now on the table as I write this letter. You can send the letter along in your Fridays letter home, as she asks some questions that I will have to answer, I have no notion of going out there but he has been and says she she has two mentions one the "Terrace" and the other "Eagle Crest" and in the basement of one are all the collections she has made from different sources [[Ma?]] I expect she wants me to see them she is a very wealthy woman