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them after putting in some water so in this way I have my thickened gravy to eat on the potato. We saw no Lena this week out here, but expect her next week and expect to hear it all then. The leaves are mostly gone off the trees from the gale of yesterday, which did lots of damage in places around us. Pa has brought home two bibles from the Henry Jones house, which was cleared of all the things this week, one was the swan bible with the family records in it, and he also got a good pr of gold bowed spectacles which no one seemed to want. So we are well supplied with bibles at the present time. I was glad your washer woman was well again so that you won't have that on your hands anymore. Just think its most Thanksgiving and they say that turkeys are very plentiful this year. I don't know whether Lena is coming here or not but will expect her. her sister said something about her coming there I believe. None o fus went to the SHS reunion this year but guess we did not lose anything. This day wont be long enough I fear, but we had a good time donter [[??]] to Ellas she took us all throu the house they are very comfortably furnished and guess are built right to enjoy life. so far Ma