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  I have just put out the washing and the wind which is coming up, will dry it quickly. What did you wear when you took supper out? Have you worn your plaid that Bertha made over yet I suppose that is for winter use though.
  We are going to have a pot roast with squash tomatoes and a squash pie and doughnuts. There is a doughnut man, he comes around every Friday and supplies the townspeople with good large ones, done up in waxed paper a doz in a box for .25 Pa dont care for them but I think them great. he sells to all the neighbors seven Nellie Loomey.
  This day is going too quick I'm afraid. No Lena this week, Pa says as she took her trunk with her, she has nothing to come home for, and I guess she is pretty busy, she carries it too far and is then used up but then she likes to be at the head of things.
  After dinner.
  I have not seen anything more of Edith Wayland I have been sticking right at home with my jackets and have got a bunch of them to send in tomorrow, its most time for them to take acc't of stock.
  Tell Syd that his old friend Steele has just got back to work since having his shock Matties family have been running the house since he was first taken but Bullock told Pa yesterday that he couldnt stay away much longer, as he must go with the rest of them and was liable to be sent down to the Phillopines any time, they have to go where they are sent. I dont know whether his family go with him, but presume they could. well this is strung out to beat the land,                 Ma