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Stoughton Sep 25th 1921

Dear Doris-
Another cloudy day threatening showers later on. on the whole we are having nice fall weather very sunny days. Lena walked in on us about dark last night. she had been in town through the day shopping, I wish you could see her things, she got another dress like the one she bought before with the big red roses on a nary blue background. for. 50c and still another, two shades of blue the same kind of goods, these things are going very cheap now, she wants to get some for you, if you need more, for she likes to get the, so. Lena is going back tonight. She is busy hanging her dress now, so she can wear it next week just before it gets too cool to wear thin dresses, She got two remnants one rose pink and another a handsome shade of yellow, in the first 2 yds & the last 1 1/2 yds of that organdy like your sash, for 19 cents just think of it, she bought me a dressing sack for. 50 very neat short sleeves, nice goods pureale.