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Stoughton June 1921
Dear Doris
With us so far we are having a cool season, too much so for things to grow much in the garden it seems like fall weather, cool nights and mornings, a little rain last night but not enough to do any good. Lena did not show up last night but as we were eating supper Dr Shorer walked in here over the week and she is looking well and seems content, but says she is working very hard, she likes the head Dr says he is a nice man. She means to come out for a week when you are home. Mrs Blake came up Thursday night and seemed the same as usual. Pa is through work for the day, and is trying to put the button in his shirt collar preparing to clean up for the day. The Saulsburgs had a quiet wedding and started off on their wedding tour to Canada his home, to show them his new wife. I have not seen their presents yet, but think they had quite a few. Mrs Saulsburg brought us over