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June 26th 1921
Dear Doris,

Are you still roasting in that dreadful Southern climate. Well it has been a little that way here two days were pretty hot and then the wind got round into the north east, and we  could breathe once  more, now today we have had  a thunder shower to begin with and bids fair to be lowery all day but the rain is a relief as we have been longing for it, the ground is pretty parched up, say nothing of vegetation. I am roasting some lamb that I stuffed this morning and have got a can of peas Pa brought home yesterday. Lena came yesterday noon and goes back mon morning. she sprained her ankle on a picknic [[picnic]] they had, by jumping over a canoe, so she says its a good excuse for not getting there early Mond [[Monday]] morn, another week finishes up her school for this season.