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Tuesday. we went and called on Lottie Crane she was as depressed as usual, but Rebecca was looking well. they seemed pleased to see us. This last week I turned my blue silk skirt and if we go to Worcester, thats what I think of wearing. Some Sunday they expect us to go down to Ralphs cottage after you get home, but I am afraid of the congested traffic Sundays, lots of accidents. That makes me think, Winnie  has been learning to run their car so the other night she was trying to turn around there by the town house, and got stuck and the man had to go turn her around, she had the fool and the other one in but she couldnt have had her licence,
[sic] they have a very expensive car Trollope hasn't any part of it yet he may later on I suppose it belongs to Edith. I did not think the silk went well with that dress pink and yellow, I had some left though one skein each of the blue, and pink, and parts of each one I didnt mind doing them. you spoke as though Lena liked down in the harbor but you forgot to send along her letter. one more week and you will be on your way home. do be careful Love Ma.