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[8 June 1924]


We can hardly call this a June day our Rose bushs [[bushes]] are budded [[fairl?]] good but no blossoms as yet the Snow Bull [[Bell]] has just filled out in the last day or so the [[girdis?]] buds are coming pretty good and the grass is keeping me busy  this morning I ground both of the Sythes and I fixed the [[hibs?]] to the [[swaths?]] so I think I shall be ready to go a haying inside of two week I mean to get Sylvester to do the most of it as I shall be busy on the Valuation it has gone rather slow this week Fred and then Pratt wanted to be off so it has been half time  Tuesday we began to have 1/2 day at store. I was at Bank & Ethel called for Ralph to come right down to Henry he asked me to come [[long?]] Henry was having a bad time for a few hours but we staid an hour or more he was better and seemed to come all right. Mrs Hall has gone from there and have a Housekeep come Tuesday a good capable woman hope things will be better now I think Ethel had a time with her Decoration Day perhaps put her in where she belonged I dont think she will ever come back