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3. Ford Ribould, Countinued,
And Brook.

John Smith sworn
says that he seen Charles Wilson on [[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]] tuesday the 28th of from 2 Oclock P.M. until sundown never was out of his house our half an hour at the time. Seen him in the adjoining houses when he was not at his house Could not see him at Brunings house from his house dont know how a man look that stole a mule Knows that Wilson did not look like a man that stole a mule, did take drinks with Wilson at my house during the day did take our drink with Wilson. 
I, the undersigned a Justice of the Peace do hereby certify that the aforegoing testimony has been given before me, on the 30th day of August A.D. 1866
B. F. Blount, J. P. {Seal}