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Head Quarters Sub-District of Lauderdale,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A. Lands,
Lauderdale, Miss., June 6" 1867

Maj. A.W. Preston,
A.A.A. Gen'l. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
State of Miss.
Vicksburg, Miss.


In compliance with Circular letter from your Office dated March 28,' 1867, I have the honor to report, that I have taken every means in my power to get the information asked for, but, up to the present time, have received nothing definite; and beyond the report already furnished of those that are in the Hospital at this place, cannot give any further information.

I am, Major,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Jos W. Sunderland
Capt V.R.C. Sub Asst Comm'r.