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Meridian Miss
June 14th 1867

Genl Alvan C. Gillem

[[??]] Sir  In reply to the information sought relitive to 1st the distribution and extent to which it exists [[?]] arriving whom [[Lt?]][[Pl..ils?]] [[Ms?]]— Kinny has a [[instinct?]] of this Co for the last 18 years time is great [[Deslitutional?]] [[pessilant?]] in the county and much men among the colrid than the whites— many of the colourd who having least on rented land and planted a Crop [[h?]]— Cunsumid ale of this Supply— [[crossed-out and]] and Have no Credit or money to to prosiute trise labord [[?]]. and handt Suspend some susterial aid. This last [[nista?]] having many of them appealed to me to render them some assistance— as this friend— But I am [[pru?]] to Do So, the Area of land planted. [[crossed-out in]] is not as longa as fority and those East by Cotton. The disaster last year unprecidented

Transcription Notes:
Difficult to transcribe, as the words are how they were spoken aloud by this author and appear to contain many grammatical misspellings.