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War Department
Washington June 15th 1867


You are hereby informed that on condition of you passing the examination required by law, the President of the United States has appointed you, First Lieutenant in the Forty First Regiment of Infantry, in the service of the United States, to rank as such from the fifteen day of June one thousand eight hundred sixty seven, Should the Senate at their next session advise and consent thereto, you will be commissioned accordingly.
You will report report in person on or before the 1st proximo to the Board in Session at Louisville Ky and of which General P. H. Geo Cooke is President, and so soon as notified by the President of the Examining Board that you have passed a satisfactory examination, you will proceed without delay to join your regiment
Corwin M. Stanton
Secretary of War

First Lieutenant George S. Smith
41st Regt U.S. Infantry 