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under the Civil Rights Bill. I name the commissioner for this reason the most of their business originates in faulty contracts and trouble growing out of the present system, make them responsible for the validity of the contract and the present great source of trouble will be abated before the freedman has thrown a years work away. I yesterday examined a contract in which the freedman had obligated himself to pay 11.500 lbs towit Cotton for the rent of One hundred and twenty five acres of land, estimating the cotton at 201 would make the rent of $18.00 per acre double what the land would sell for, Still the freedman was well satisfied that he would make money because old Master had told him that he would do what was right by him. This is probably an extreme case but I have no doubt there are thousands of similar case, in making contracts they tell the freedman what they propose doing and write what they intend to do and the freedmen signs his name to what he supposes is his agreement and only finds out the difference after he has thrown away a years work.
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Old Sick & Infirm
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This class has increased rapidly of late owing to the general poverty. Those who have the will to support there Old Servants are unable to do so and many consequently are thrown entirely upon the Bureau for Subsistence. If good crops are made "and the prospect is now flattering" I shall endeavor