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Marriage | I make it a point to encourage these kind of schools as an entering wedge: The condition of the People with reference to their Marriage relations “ is bad” though many procure license and are legally united their virtues is so low that but few are to each other and any little difficulty is sufficient to quit each other and the Civil Laws do not notice such cases.
Disposition of White People | Is to get just as much out of the freed people as they can, and to give in return just as little. Without the influence of the much abused Bureau and the support of U.S. buyouts the condition of freed people would be worse than when they represented a money value that would be depreciated by abuse
State Laws | State Laws which affect the colored people are virtually suspended, I have been unable to get Magistrates to take any action since the passage of the Military Bill, they alleged when a freedman applys for assistance “that the Government has taken the execution of the Laws into its own hands and they must apply to them. I take no further notice of them, but work under the Civil rights bill, and when the case cannot be brought, under it. I make a law founded on justice to suit the case and take the responsibility as an instance, Harris + Wife

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