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Tribble killed a freedman the civil authorities would take no action. I had them arrested under the C.R.B. and put under good responsible bonds to appear at the U.S. Dist Court the case was reported to Judge Hill who thought they could not be tried for ward of jurisdiction there Counsel made the attempt to get them released on a unit of Habeas Corpus. I informed him that I considered he was interfering with the course of justice and that although he might release them in that manner, I should  rearrest them and hold them under military authority they are now ordered to be tried by Military Commissioner

[footnote 1]Regestration is going on smoothly and no trouble is anticipated. The Board report that the freed people are requesting generally and take much interest, but are very anxious to have someone to tell them just what the Govet. expects or wants them to do. They are a unit in their feelings and are all anxious to be instructed how they should vote to further their interest, and they will not believe what the Citizens here tell them unless it is endorsed by some Govt. Officer And the Union Party being so passive and the rebel party so vigorous that the contest in this Sub Dist. for or against a conservative is very uncertain. The Union Party need


[footnote 1]Political Matters