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Head Quarters Sub-District of Lauderdale,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A. Lands,
[[strikethrough]] Office Acting Assistant Quarter Master, [[/strikethrough]]
Lauderdale, Miss., July 6 1867

Major A.W. Preston,
A.A.A. Genl. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
State of Mississippi
Vicksburg, Miss.

I have the honor to submit herewith my Report for the month of June, 1867.

The number of Rations issued to Howard Orphan Asylum, Howard Hospital and Employees is 4,425, being an increase over the preceding month, owing to an increase of inmates in both institutions

The issue of provisions under the "Joint Resolution of Congress" has undoubtedly relieved many who would necessarily have been compelled to have applied for admission to one or the other of the above named institutions.

Howard Asylum 
There are Sixty-Six children in the Asylum - ages ranging from 2-9 years; none over that age. The health of the Institution is very good, only one death having occurred during the past four months