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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c 
Office Asst. Commr for Miss.
Vicksburg MIss, Aug 10th 1867.

Respectfully forwarded to Major General O. O. Howard Commissioner &c., Captain Sunderland has been directed to take charge of the Asylum and hire the necessary attendants at the expense of the Bureau until the decision of the Commissioner can be had on this subject. Humanity requires that the children of this Institution should not be abandoned in their present helpless condition.

Alvan C Gillem
Brevet Major General U. S. A.
Assistant Commissioner

E B 481}           

War Department
Bureau Ref. Freed. and A.L.
Washington, Aug. 19, '67.

Respectfully returned to Gen. A.C. Gillem, Asst. Comm. of Miss., who will please take such action in this case, as he may think proper. His action will be approved by the Commissioner.

By order of Major Gen. O. O. Howard
A. P. Ketchum
A. A. A. Genl.

E.B. 452. Vol. 3.

[[stamp]] Freedman's Bureau State of Miss * Received * AUG 28 1867 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] Received A A Gen's Office. Dept Miss. AUG 28 1867 [[/stamp]]
