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Vicksburg Aug 9/67

I would respectfully call attention to the following previous statement which I assert to be true.
On or about the 1st of July my wife Virginia Scott left me and took from my house my pocket book containing $15.00 and my certificate of Registry and my discharge papers also my bead stead and bedding some house furniture and cooking utensils. (She went to Capt Chatman and he send lads with her to get those things) I then went to the Bureau and reported the facts and Maj Preston referred me to Capt Chatman. I went to Capt Chatman and he sent be back to the Bureau. I returned to the Bureau and was again sent to Capt Chatman and so it continued until I had gone from one to the other some 5 or 6 times.
Maj Preston then sent me to Capt Platt. I went to him, and he had my wife brought before him and the case investigated and then dismissed her permitting her to keep my things. And he (Capt) said to me that she was a very good looking woman and he thought she did right and she aught to have the things,
Bengiman (his X Mark) Scott

Witness his mark
J.B. Platt