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Office Bur. R. F. & A. L.
Sub. Dist of Vicksburg
Vicksburg Aug. 22. 1867

Respectfully returned to the Asst. Commissioner with the information that on the 6th inst. this case was carefully investigated & settled by me. One of the parties being brought before me by a Guard sent for that purpose. By their own statement & admissions to me both parties present. I found the household articles had been in my opinion about equally divided. The taking apart & leaving apart. His Gun he had already recovered back his wallet - & receipt - for discharge paper were returned to him by my own hand. he never claimed before me to have lost his registration paper. Every national statement concerning myself  in Scotts letter of Aug. 9th" herewith retrieved to the Asst. Commr' (except that the parties were brought before me and the case investigated) is false -    After two days investigation I became entirely satisfied that the parties were ? quarrelers & fighters & were unjustifiably & frivilously disturbing the peace & occupying the time of the Government & I cautioned them that this must be considered a final settlement of the affair. 

That if this matter came before me again I would have them punished as malicious disturbers, if it was in my power to do so

I respectfully suggest that there is a malicious & defiant persisting in this quarrel by Scott which should be checked.

Very Respc.
Your Obt. Servt
E.E. Platt Capt V.R.C.
Sub Asst Comr B.RFAL


Rec'd Dept. 8/?/67