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In compliance with instructions from the Assistant Commissioner of the State of Mississippi I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Bureau for the Sub District of Columbus for the month of July 1867.

[[left margin]] Number of Freed People in the Sub District.[[/left margin]]

It is a difficult matter for this office to determine with definite certainty the exact colored population of this Sub District, but from the best estimate I can now procure the population is about 460000 divided as follows, Lowndes County 17000, Monroe County 11000, Oktibeha [[Oktibbeha]] County 10000. and Chickasaw County 8000. I cannot vouch for the correctness of these figures, but will endeavor to procure a more correct statement for my next report.

[[left margin]]Their condition and how they have been paid for work.[[/left margin]]

The social condition of the freedmen, as regards conduct, morality, and virtue, depend much upon the same traits of character exhibited by their former masters, and the different elements or vices they have been brought in contact with since their emancipation; many possess the highest regard for integrity, while others, by far too many, are rolicking in all the vicisitudes of degradation and vice, Yet, the freedmen deserve many just apologies for any imperfections of frailties of this nature, inasmuch as character, the true fortress against all vices, has been a total stranger to them, but the march of education & improvement, must soon sweep away