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an ingredient and radical component of the colored race to this day. I refer to the system of "taking up" with husbands or wifes as often as fancy chooses, and disregarding all marriage ties. This is an evil which perhaps is not increasing, but I fear cannot be entirely eradicated by laws however rigerous, but only by a correct system of education, giving to them enlightenment and refinement, instead of ignorance.
[left margin] Disposition of the whites toward the colored people [/left margin]
The majority of whites appear outwardly to entertain a friendly disposition toward the colored people, which I would judge to be sincere, were it not, that they are so prone to cheat and deceive them when an opportunity offers; however this unfair spirit exhibited by the whites, does not extend to bodily harm but on the contrary exhibits itself in the form of an alliance to prevent the freedmen from ever accumulating any property. The whites seem to be governed entirely by what they deem self interest, which, as the case may be, commands a friendly or unfriendly disposition.
[left margin] Complaints and outrages [/left margin]
The complaints now made at this office consists principally of threatened violence and driving off from plantations-desertions by husbands or wifes-for