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the recovery of last years wages-not furnishing the proper allowance of rations and some few cases of actual violence. Another source of complaint is that many persons, former owners of slaves have apprenticed them under a Statute of this State and hold their services without adequate compensation for the labor performed. In all these cases the [?] bound out should receive wages, amply secured to be paid, upon their reaching majority.
[left margin] State Laws: how administered in cases affecting Freedmen. [/left margin]
From my observation I am fully convinced that the courts do not do justice to the claims of Freedmen when in opposition to white person, the old feeling that a negro has no rights "which a white man is bound to respect", pervades to a greater or less extent the actions of the court, jury and advocate. 
Perhaps this has not been fully tested in civil actions in this district as but very few freedmen have been able to litigate their claims in courts of law.
[left margin] Registration among freedmen [/left margin]
In obedience to General Orders No. 21 from Office of Assistant Commissioner, I consumed my time between July 25th and August 2nd in visiting, and nowhere could I learn of obstacles being placed in the way of freeman registering but on the contrary every facility was