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State of Mississippi
Sunflower County

This day personally appeared before the undersign an acting Justice of the peace in and for Said county Mariah Bailey and made oath that on Wednesday the 27th day of February AD 1867 one Mantraville Cooper did ferociously assault and beat her the said Mariah Bailey contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the State of Mississippie.

Sworn and subscribed to before me this 9th day of March AD. 1867
W. R. Wrenn J. P. {Seal}

Mariah + Baley

A True Coppy
The party arrested and witnessed summoned came for trial this day and plead guilty fined by the court ten dollars and cost of suit given under my hand and seal this 15th day of May AD. 1867

W. R. Wren J. P. {Seal}