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Harvard Hospital
Lauderdale Miss Jan 25 1867

S. H. Horner
Br. Maj, Surg in Chf.
Dist Mississippi


The subject of Insane Freedmen is likely soon to be one of importance and I respectfully suggest that some measures be taken to make some provision  for their safe keeping & support.  I have here now three insane women, who are not safe to life & property unless properly confined & strictly watched.  There are here no enclosures, cells or the usual means & appliances for securing crazy men & women.

This being a hospital & not a lunatic asylum, and myself likely to become involved in trouble for refusing to receive such patients, even maniacs. I am at a loss what to do under present orders.  I would ask for instructions as to admitting & taking care of this class of cases and beg to suggest that if it is decided to make or allow this to be an asylum for lunatics such order be issued as to enable the Q.M. Dep. to construct suitable quarters with a high board fence, and that more attendants be allowed, and some assistant to aid me in taking care of the sick.

2 maniacs, confined, one in chains, & one tied with cords, were recently refused admittance and in regard to one, complaint has been made at District Head Quarters, and I have this day written to Maj. Preston on the matter of complaint.  There is too much property & too many defenseless persons here to have dangerous persons about. 

Very Resp Your Obd Srvt. 

H. H. Penniman
A. A. S. USA

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