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Jacksen [[Jackson]] Miss this Febury [[February]] the 12th 67

To the comanding [[commanding]] officer of the Miss department of USA Troops &c

Der Sir purmit [[permit]] me to comunicat [[communicate]] sum [[some]] facts regarding the State of afairs [[affairs]] in Choctaw county miss  In a short time after the removil [[removal]] of the garison [[garrison]] from the Town of grensborough there curmenced [[commenced]] a truce of percecution [[persecution]] against all men ho had bin [[been]] loyal or showed sines [[signs]] of loyalty to the government of the usa tyey was driven from town by threts [[threats]] & abuses & frequent fist cups the [[??]] & revolver on all occasines [[occasions]] where the number was not suficient [[sufficient]] to stand thare [[their]] [[?]] & one young man by the name of Destuso here is now a citisen [[citizen]] of said county was taken up by said mob & cursed before gens Bruntly of the so caled [[called]] conferat [[confederate]] army & made to renounce his alegiance [[allegiance]] to the USA swar [[swear]] to support the confedracy [[confederacy]] this & other offences [[offenses]] of simillar [[similar]] carecter [[character]] was the coman [[commen]] order of the day June July & August 1866 in the month of august the young men of union proclivites resolved to bar the abuses that was heaped on them now longer they gathered themselve into a company numbering about 70 & went down on the greensborough mob determined to seek that justice that had bin so ridgedly denide them by force If kneed [[need]] be they found the town mob forted up in the courthouse wither all the armes [[arms]] & amunition [[ammunition]] that they could lay thar [[their]] hands on but the asilants [[assailants]] surounded the place & demanded peace & security for  

Transcription Notes:
A - letter continues next page B - tried to use writer's spelling etc (per SI instructions words to be transcribed as the writer writes, instructions allow for the correct spelling to be enclosed with double brackets following the word not speled correctly)