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judg that this case comes up before trde a case of disloialty [[disloyalty]] to the confedracy whose the confedrat State of north america vercis John McDowell  Charls Cos  Joseph Marks [[??]] B T Freman  Jery Elkins  Ira McDowell [[??]] Said judg Cochran [[strikethrough]] that the present case comes up trade such men [[/strikethrough]] the above named men for tresen against his goverment thay ar all now citisens of choctaw Though he could not substanciat his charges he made them pay there one jale fees & the cost of the last. Now JWC Bridges a citisen of choctaw county & representative in the bogus legeslator of the Stat of Miss do invoke the military authority of the sam to take action in behalf of the loyal citisins of choctaw county if ther is any that has Ben gilty of offences either against stat or fidril law I for on so let them suffer the penelty of those offences but my god never let them fall in to the hands of Judg Cothrin & General Brantly his adviser give them that justice that evry loial American citisin is intitled to they ask no more want nomore to you They look for that protection loyal men of choctaw wants peace or the authority to protect themselv But the corts ar in The hands of disloilast when a man is brought up for trial the question is whether he made a good soldier in The defunct confedracy or not that Stats the hole mater
So I am gentleman your very respectfully
WC Gredy

Transcription Notes:
A - 3rd & last page of letter