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Auditor's Office
Jackson, Miss.
March 22nd 1867

Capt. R. P. Gardner
Sub. Comm'r, &c,
Jackson Miss.


In reply to your letter of 11th instr., enclosing a copy of letter from T. D. Harris, Sheriff of Rankin County, to yourself under date of 4th inst, I beg to state that I have no recollection of ever having had the tax case of Edmund, and Nancy Berry brought before me, by Lieut. Williams; I may have informed him that freed - women were not subject to capitation tax by the State, which was true. The act of the Legislature of 1865, page 73. Section 6. alludid to by Mr. Harris, refers to County taxes alone over which this office has no supervision or control, and of course, I could have given no opinion as to the legality or illegality of taxing freedwomen thereunder.

From the opinion of the Attorney General, a copy of which I herewith enclose, it seems that on the date of Mr. Harris' receipt, to wit on the 25th January 1867 he was authorized by the act above referred to, to collect a County freedmans pauper tax, from freedwoman, as well as, from

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