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freedmen between certain ages.

This act has however, since the date of the said collection been repealed by act of 13th Feb. 1867 a copy of which I herewith enclose; and there is no law, now in force in this State, which authorizes the levying or collection of a capitation tax on freed-women for any purpose. The State, by act of Dec. 5, 1865, levied a tax of one dollar on each and every male inhabitant of this state between the age of 21 and 60 years; and the several Counties have the lawful right to levy a certain per centum thereon for County purposes; and according to the construction of the Attorney General, of the laws in [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] force at the time of the Collection, Mr. Harris was authorized to collect from Edmund Berry a State tax of $1.00, a County tax of $2.25 and a freedmans county, pauper tax of $1.00, and from Nancy Berry a freed-womans county pauper tax of $1.00, amounting together to $5.25

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Srvt.
(signed) Thos S. Swann

A True Copy
Robert P. Gardner
Capt. & Sub. Asst. Comm'r.

Transcription Notes: