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NEW YORK 10020

212 JUDSON 6-1212
11 May

Dear Grace,
  My thanks for your note with details of the Sac and Fox Pow Wow in Oklahoma in July.  At this point I can only accept with enthusiasm and hope that the magazine doesn't interrupt the plan.  I will have to make the Democratic Convention scene -- a duller pow wow, I'm sure--on Monday, July 10. But I could stay in Oklahoma through Friday and Saturday.  At any event I will confirm by letter or phone later.

  I made a return research visit to Carlisle two weeks back and acquired some help from long-term residents, talkative attorney Hyman GOldstein who played against your father, an old Carlisle teacher, etc.  (Incidentally, the story told--written--by your father appeared in the Carlisle Arrow, Oct. 1908; I will try to pull a copy.)

  Meanwhile, I have not pushed the suggestion on your current urban Indian drive with the editors in N.Y.  They are, at the moment, consumed by war and politics.  I await better timing. 

  My thanks for your help.  I enjoyed the talk and look forward to more. 

[[Hand signature]]Jack[[Hand signature]]
Jack Newcombe