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Resolution Number 28

WHEREAS, Jim Thorpe, Sec and Fox Indian, was a true American Athlete born Prague, Oklahoma, May 13, 1888, and educated at Haskell Institue, Lawrence, Kansas and Carlisle Indian School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania,

WHEREAS, Jim Thorpe was a member of the United States Olympic Team during the Olympic Games of 1912 and wherein he[[strikethrough]]r[[/strikethrough]] won the Decathlon and the Pentathlon events. 

WE DO HEREBY, support the efforts of the Carlisle Junior Chamber of Commerce to petition The United States Olympic Committee to make cause before The International Olympic Committee to held an extraordinary hearing to review the finding of The International Olympic Committee in 1912, to the end that it may be found that Jim Thorpe, Sac and Fox Indian, was a true amateur within the meaning of the rules and within the contemporary Standards of his time, and in fact within present standards, that there may be restored to his, his people, his country the rightful recognition which he singularly and valiantly achieved, that the honor and glory of his achievements may be restored to the official 1912 Olympic Books.

Submitted by; Rev. Wendell Chino, President
National Congress of American Indians