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3. "Outline" .3.
"The Personal Life of Jim Thorpe"
Section 3 Biographical Background
1. Where and when born;
May 28, 1888
Twin Charles
Wa tha huck...Bright Path

2. His parents:
a. Hiram Thorpe - married three times
   Half breed...Juanita granddaughter Blackhawk
ANIMATE  Biggest...Strongest... toughest
b. Charlotte Vieux
c. Both died of blood poisoning at different intervals

3. His brothers and sisters:
a. 2 brothers and two sisters alldead

4. Visit with Indian Aunt Mary:
a. Big woman
b. Rolling range country
c. Squirrels
d. Tremendous Breakfast
   Biscuits-pork chops-potatoes-oatmeal 
   delicious fried squirrel.