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There were games now on Monday nights, and then playoffs upon playoffs, and bowls for every fruit and flower. The true fan was a man engorged, groggy with his mania, feared by those he loves, inflated of stomach and 10 yards wide at the eyeballs, happy only at feeding time on the screen. And things will get worse. Davis imagines that by 1990, Superfan won't have to put up with today's homey clutter (left), but will require as much gear as an Apollo astronaut. To see games blacked out locally, he'll cruise the country in his specially designed fanmobile (above), equipped with a wall of TV screens (A) and stereo speakers (B), enabling him to follow every instant replay in the entire expanded 96-team league. His long-suffering family will be isolated in the driving compartment (C). A beer keg (D), headset (E), mechanical masseuse (F), cigarette smoking machine (G), console control board (H), and a tape deck (I) for statistical reference will ease him through the games. An intercom (J) will provide minimal communication with his family, and a fluid-filled jar (K) stands ready for emergency intravenous feeding. Fanship, predicts Davis, will be no bed of AstroTurf.


Transcription Notes:
[[image - cartoon of a football fan trying to watch all the games at once from the back of a van (a.k.a. fanmobile). His wife and three children are in the front of the van, looking back in alarm. The letters A-K are positioned throughout the drawing.]]