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ARC TRAINEES proudly exhibit samples of work done at a training center for the admiration of Toronto Eagle Eggheads.

HOLIDAY CARDS designed by artistically inclined trainees are reproduced by other students in big lots for sale to the public.

Eggheads SHELL OUT
By Frank D. Stokes

Toronto Eagle Group HAS Expanded Its Program to Include Retarded Youths.

A "THINK-IN" hatched the Eggheads, scholar-backers of Maple Leaf Aerie at Toronto, Canada. Aerie officers and committee members had hied themselves to a summer cottage on the shores of Lake Simcoe for a quiet weekend to mull over possible interest-creating Aerie programs.
It was the era of school dropouts, with much attention drawn to the increasing number of youth who did not continue to high school after completing their grade school education. In a good number of cases, it was because the families were hard-pressed to finance further education. This, decided Maple Leaf Aerie's thinking leaders, was a cause well worth an all-out Eagle effort and so the Eggheads were born.
Chairman Jack Hennessey and his committee canvassed members of the Aerie for a donation of one dollar or more which entitled them to membership in the Egghead Club. Dances, card parties, dinners and special contests, all ideas sparked and carried out by Hennessey and his co-workers raised additional money. The money was distributed as scholarships in amounts of $150 to $200 to boys recommended by their school principals who met certain ground rule requirements. Each applicant had a good scholastic record coupled with a desire to further his studies, and in each case there was a real need for financial help.
Over $2,100 in scholarship funds has been disbursed to date.
In 1968, Chairman Hennessey was succeeded by co-chairmen Frank Jay and John Fothergill. 
About this time the attention of the

YOUNG PEOPLE from the training center were the special guests of Maple Leaf Aerie's Egghead Club at the annual banquet. They accepted the gift of a scale.

12           EAGLE