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July 25, 1977
interview with Sergio Dello-Strologo, currently here on a World Bank team, looking into development projects in the Jogja area; Sergio is not with World Bank, but is acting as a special consultant on this team
in 1968 Sergio, who was with ILO at the time, was sent to Indonesia at the request of the Department of Industry - they specifically were interested in conducting training courses in handcraft villages & in developing certain small industries, e.g. agricultural tools
he apparently did not like the approach of the Department of Industry - the reason for this is apparently that he felt the problem was not production but marketing; he went instead to Sumitro, then Minister of Trade, and asked to work through the Ministry of Trade - Sumitro OK'd it, but with the stipulation that all development be through the private sector, i.e. no new government institutes or organizations

were to be set up
Sergio hit on working through Sarinah (then the only department store in Indonesia) - he choose Sarinah, because he felt it provided maximum public exposure so that "a villager coming in and wandering through the store could say 'hey, there's some sandals or 'some bain' from such-and-such village" - in other words, Sergio didn't want to set up a display in the Department of Trade where nobody would see it. 
he then asked the Ministry of Trade for a jeep + spent 3 months traveling all over Java finding out what handcrafted were available + where - he also made a trip at his own expense to Sulawesi to look at crafts there
he tells the story that he found some beautiful silk in a market on Java the seller told him that it came from Sulawesi - he went to the Dept of Industry + asked them to send him to Sulawesi, but they refused, telling him that there was nothing in the way of home