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now Pak K & his wife have no sawah, but poor mountain land which is considered tanak han os wild land not belonging to anyone may be used for farming polowijo; Pak K. himself does not look very 'mampu' now, his house being a 2 room gedek house with very few & poor furnishings, dirt floors

formerly, when he was younger, he worked as a policeman - has 3 sons, all with S.M.P educations, & presume they help support the parents, as they are getting too old for strenuous farming - possible that the (the parents) do their own polowijo still, however, since broadcast paddy & cassava don't take much land preparation

Pak K. has a 4th grade education; is proud that his sons have travelled all over Java & even to other islands 0 one son a S.D. teacher, one a driver & one in the navy - they all come home at least once a year

since Pak K. has no daughters, batik work will not be carried on in his household, but in other households


there are younger girls, 12 & up, who are "already clever at batiking". Pak K. stresses that batiking in Imo Giri is just a "sambilan" for most (all?) of the pembatik & that the income from batiking is not enough to live on - it is not a "pekerjaan pokok" or primary occupation

are now in Imo Giri some young boys, school dropouts (putus sekolah) who do batiking & acc. to Pak K. no shame or embarressment [[embarrassment]] is attached to this; formerly only women, however

Pak K. estimates that during the time of the co-op there were "hundreds" of batik workers ("ratusan") but that now the number has declined - are now "more than a hundred", perhaps two hundred

coop failed after 10 years because of financial problems - each member of the coop had to put in 1 Rp old money at the beginning, later 2 1/2 Rp. - Pak K mentioned that he didn't know where the money went/what happened to the money,