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KAJAR [[arrow pointing right]]
place to drink + bathe.
saw [[strikethrough]] wa [[/strikethrough]] pole carriers coming to pick up loads of fresh water - use empty oil tins & we were told that water is sold in some parts Gunung Kidul for almost the price of oil at the end of the dry season --
--end of the dry season drought called 'paceklik' & during this season must often sell off some of their cattle, which are then taken to Jogja, Jakarta, etc.
other types of valuables can't be sold readily during this period since no one has any cash to buy

places visited in G.K: KAJAR
*1. ironworking village at Kajar; produce large gamelon [[left margin note]] (better orchestras use brass gongs) [[/left margin note]] gongs for village gamelon orchestras, & agricultural tools
raw material is scrap iron from old railroad ties, old oil drums (used formerly for minyak tanah and minyak solar), & small

[[arrow pointing right]]
scrap iron
[[left margin note]] most tools from rails; only tataks & small tools from smaller scrap [[/left margin note]]
gamelon gongs hammered out of drum ends, but agr. [["x" marking in different color ink]] tools made of melting down smaller scrap-- fuel is charcoal -- use a bamboo air pressure belows which forces the air underground through a ceramic(?) tube to the little firing pit [Wah. says this is the indigenous SEA bellows, whereas the hide bellows is an Arabic import]
ironworkers organized into a cooperative (Koperasi Gotong Toyong) with its own building [[left margin note]] part of Pak Sastro's house [[/left margin note]] in the center of the village
were told were [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 50 enterprises [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] and 150 persons who were members of the coop (?)
--World Bank team recently toured this village (World Bank has project for the development of small industry in G.K. scheduled for 1978-9).
work is done in covered over [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]]  peropens sheds beside the houses -- work is back breaking & ear splitting, tho no protective equipment used