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Pocung only plant rice during rainy season, while in dry season plant peanuts, katjang hidjau, tobacco,singkong, wheat (for chickens only, because don't know how to grind or cook!)
other crops seen eggplant, spinach, 
long beans, walu, etc.
- so can say that in the village, 
main sources of income are: 
1. petanian
2. wayang kulit
3. [[strikethrough]]bakut[[/strikethrough]] batik
4. sale of oil lamps (see below)
5. bakul vegetables & spices
(women pick up from Imogiri
pasan & sell around - own
vegetables eaten mostly,
with only a portion of polowidjo
for sale)
6. cash cropping tobacco
also make gula Jawa, but all made consumed (?)
- oil lamps - many mainly young men of the village buy oil lamps at Kota Gede, take them by train, bus or colt to Jakarta where 
they sell them -- they rent houses
in Jakarta(Djatinegara, Pulo Gadung, Kebayoran Lama - all edge of town)
[[left margin]]PONDOKS[[/left margin]]


where they stay about 1 mo. (about 35 days)- lamps are sold by street selling (setjara keliling) - placed in pikul baskets + carried around the streets - (edge of town areas w/out electricity); when all are sold, come home -
- these lamp sellers do this all year round, not just this end of the rainy season period (Yon was here in last rainy season & they were gone then) 
- were told that when the lamp sellers were gone, 'only women left in the village' 
stay in Pocung only 'sebentar' (3-4 days) before leave again 
- tobacco - one 'kotak' (small field) is sold for 50,000 rp. - two methods of selling:

1. ÿon - sell while still growing by the field to tengkulac - husband of weaver (see below) told us a tengkulac had bargained 30,000 for his field, but he had refused, holding out for 50,000

[[left margin]]"JUAL BASAH"[[/left margin]]

2. tobacco is cut & dried by farmer himself & then saved till season when tobacco

Transcription Notes:
petanian is wrong spelling by Ann should be pertanian palawija is type of plants like sorghums, beans, cassava, pronounced polowijo in javanese accents meaning horticulture. Tengkulak is middle men