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has just been planted & is hence scarce - can then be sold at a high price to tengkulak or taken to market at Imo Giri & sold
roll a few cigarettes for their own 
use, but most sold - own cigarettes 
without cloves

soil of 2 types: 1. yellowish brown & fine textured 
2. whitish gray from decomposed white rocks which make also up the surrounding hill also black river stones  
during our visit all streams dried, 
except one trickle on side of hill - water, for hill houses taken up in curious elongated ember which, acc. to Yon, is same shape as ancient embers of bronze & before that lontar leaves
[[left margin]] diagram of ember with handle [[/left margin]]
taken up from well in valley
- so no artificial irrigation at all
- nearest market at Imogiri, but many trade links with Kota Gede market
- Pak Atmo says pengrajin do not work in fields but have their land farmed by other villagers under maro ('mer-dua') system - those who 'have talent' for making wayang become pengrajin, those 


who 'don't have talent' are, acc. to Pak Atmo, told by him to 'just be farmers'
met one farmer, Pak Basori, who worked for one year with son (ganti2) at Taman Mini; said his main occupation was kerajinan & farming was sampingan for him.

visited on top of one of the hills behind main part of Pocung house of Pak Giartoredjo and his wife
his wife is last active weaver in Pocung, the other weaver being very old & her equip. now in bad condition
Ibu Giarto is perhaps in her mid forties
makes a good quality lurek-type cloth in two widths, one for sarongs & one for gendongan - are 8 patterns each with its fixed color combinations
              | (1. andong - hitam/putih
(water plant) | (2. lompong keli - hitam/merah/kuning
              | (3. gandok malang -
selendang (tanah basah) |(4. lemah teles - warp/weft
              | (5. dringin

Transcription Notes:
fixed colour name, hitam black, putih white, merah red, kuning yellow lurek is batik motif ganti2 means changing sons in this context sampingan is indonesian meaning side works pengrajin is craft worker tengkulak is middle men