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Aug 21 - further notes from Yon about Pocung weaving, collected during earlier visits:

Processing - 
1. dark colored thread is treated with built tingi to prevent fading 
2. all thread treated with steamed rice (diuleni) - rice is steamed and placed on 'dulong' wood block and stamped in 
3. thread soaked briefly - then
hanks placed vertically over weighted bamboo poles (still wet) - sometimes instead of weights used lower pole of iron
4. thread is combed with a comb made of coconut shell 
5. dried, + placed on a warping frame ('ingan')
6. place in a basket with small stones, shells, or seeds to prevent tangling 
7. warped on a warping board ('panen')
8. double ends are threaded thru need (with quill from animal called 'landak')
9. thread tied to rollers
10. bobbins-('kisi') wound 

11. bobbin placed in shuttle ('tropong') 
12. weaver sits on bamboo frame called 'amben', with open place for legs when resting
13. slit gongs placed at side to sound when [[strikethrough]]lift[[/strikethrough]] thread lifting poles 'liro' thrown to give a rhythm 

NAMBONGAN (Nancy's village)
Aug. 23 4:00-5:00 PM stopover at Nambongan, Kel. Tlogohadi, Kab Sleman
crafts: kepang (gedek halus), gedek, pyan (finest matting for ceilings)
process:-bamboo poles cut, cut in strips, strips are stripped to remove sharp part, strips dried until "kukup kering", strips woven
alat:- gergadji, sabrit (arit). pisau,
pemukul (instead of beater used in weaving)
pengradjin- all ages ,both sexes begin making about age 6 + continue making till old
bamboo work said to be a "sambilan" to farming, but also said to be of primary importance
"pekerdjaan sambilan" tetapi"diutamakan juga"
work done morning hours, "before there is much wind"-most of