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72 [[page one]]
wages 150 a day for women + 250-300 for men
buruh tani also come from outside, from kel. [[Ngelipar?]], but only at planting (Nov) + harvesting (May-? recheck, doesn't accord Javanese farmers divide calendar into 4 parts
[[diagram of a line separated into 5 labeled sections]]

food now 50-50 gaplek + rice, because already mampu to buy rice
1967 began Bimas + Inmas - main activity to give fertilizer + insecticide on credit
most tools used for pandai besi are homemade, files bought in Jogja
food for animals purchased at the local market + are bakuls who sell this feed
padi + cassava saved for own needs/peanuts + soybeans sold + money used to 
[[page two]] Atmo 73
"menabah kebutuhan makan" (for extra food)
women's activities include working in ladang, bakul, pumping the bellows at times
if bakuls, are bakuling produce [[margin]]or tools[[/margin]] of the area ("hasil [[bumi?]]")
- people prefer, acc. to Pak Luraf, to be pengrajin because not in the sun ("tidak kena matahari")
- Pak Lurah says every empu has his own pemukul that he usually works with ((many contradictory answers on this question - recheck))

- interview with Pak [[Atmosakiman?]], Kep Dukoh of Kajar III
[[margin]] for which wilayas? must be KI, II + III; see p. 103[[/margin]] acc. to Pak. Atmo are 350 K.K. (very diff. from Pak Rianto's figures)
- before last year there was a spring from Gurun Pancuran = Sumber [[Kepjar?]], to the east of the Desa (co on map) which could be used for planting near the stream (tanah "setrea") but for these two years not enough water

system of planting "campursari"