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4. plowed or dipcaul (on or the other) again
5. seed is broadcast (for padi) 
2 types of padi gogo - (1) padi
bulu (hairy rick) also called 
gogo genjah (2) gogo biasa
first type tastes best.
seed from own traditional stocks
not from govn. 
best see "padi puthu" = "padi
mendel"; doesn't change
from year to year
- padi rain fed only - 
didangir 3 time at once mo. 
intervals at same time as weeding 
cari rumput = weeding 
danger = digging up earth 
around the plant (oxygen-
izes the plants, acc. to 
both men + women can danger together
[6. harrowed to even out
("meratakan") the rice seed
[7. plant cassava + corn
rice harvest with ani-ani, made
land not reworked when plan 
peanuts + soybeans
why intercropping? acc. to Pak
Harto so that if get a plague of 
pests ("kalua keno hamah") not everything will be lost
Pak Harto says greater yields if don't mix, but risk of pests great
that plague, acc. to Harto, comes once every 8 years ((in Jaw calendar 8 yrs = 1 windu))
last occurred in 1970 + everything eaten (small rats or mice)
((big rats called tikus wenog + very sma;; tikus pithi - both not nice))
so don't get rat plague ladang diberi rat porson
produce of lading saved in wooden chests to protect from rats
acc. to Harto before 1968 manure applied just before fallow when land worked (too "hot" to apply unless worked into the land)
after 1968 artificial fertilizer used - applied after / at welding when plants 1 mot old (TS 500K per hectare + used 100 k per
hectare) - also add just before planting peanuts + kodalai