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- (( it seems that in Kajar the prestige of traders higher than that of pengusaha - appears they have the highest social rank in the village)) 
- pondok traders use bus malam from Wonosari usually- but if a group of traders one will go to Wonosari and order a special bus which will come to the village and pick them all up 

[[margin note]]
most commonly occup. combined e.g.
a. penusaha-pedagang
b. penusaha-empu
[[/margin note]]

- cost of this malam one way 2250 Rp per person & for tools charged about +/- 500 in jak. have places (pondok) rented already - 3 places in Grogol, but Harjop has never been (tho often to Jak. because has a child there- also Harjop formerly bought old iron from ships in Jak + traded in Kajar)
- if a women trader hires a boy to carry  goods around to sell while she follows ( Joko women traders can also stay in pondoks)
2 of the 5 traders in Kajar I are women
most of tools, but not all, which are brought to Jak. are sold in Pasas 


Senin & Pasas Grogol areas
- other work opportunities working in benkel mobilas montir (mechanic), buruh tani, selling stones, etc. 
- some of women from Kajar I baked bumbon (=bumbu 2 on) (= spices ie onions, garlic, chilis, salt, etc.) at Pasar Kajar while some "ngurus di ladang" (manage the ladang)
- women manage the ladang but the men pay the wages of the buruh tani
- Harjop estimates 1 1/2 months needed in the ladang per year ((Joko feesl this is a better estimate than 2 weeks))
- even in harvest period perapens operate; acc. to Harjop. this is so they can get money to pay the buruh tani (with wages from perapen can pay 2-4 buruh tani)
- acc. to Harjop. buruh tani wages 200 for men, 100 for women with one meal a day
- wages in perapen: 
empu - 700
tuk. kihir - 400
(panjak) pemukul - 400
tuk. ubub - 400