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ways of marketing:
1. disetor dikoperasi
2. "dipasarkan sendire" - sold by themselves to [[crossed out]] farmers- in the mountains south of Kajar- "di gunung"
3. traders come from Sumatra ((esp. Lampung))
4. bought by Kajar traders who take to Jak & other large cities
most empus are 40 years & over but if talented can become an empu as early as 17 years

[[margin note]]
+ esp. if son or adik of penusada
[[/margin note]]

-no un [[crossed out]] employment & short of labor in ker ("tenaga kerja maslih kurang")- labor for perapens brought in from Garih & Piyaman
no empus from outside but all Kajar men
none stay over- walk in
-many children of empus also become empus, but not all empus are children of empus
Pak Harjop can do an empus work but doesn't


correction: Pak Harjop has a perapen so 1 out of the 5 [[kes.?]] Dukohs has a perapen
-in 1971-72 got loan thru coop in form of rails from govn.
rails given & coops said what types of tools to make- tools disetor di kooperasi & kooperasi caluclated difference between cash value of rails loaned & value of finished products
-in 1974 (?) got 1M Rp. from govn & that money loaned out in form of cash to members
-size of loans 10,000-30,000 Rp per pengusaha at 370 per month
-cooperasi dates from 1942 wth name of of Perpari (?Persatuan apa?) ((name given by Dukoh Kedung I wrong))
saw materials all kinds of metal from broken Japanese weapons- after [[crossed out]] new tools given back to Japanese penrajin got a money payment; Jap. wanted to increase agr. prod. for troop consumption

[[crossed out]] about after 1965 [[/crossed out]] in 66 money devaluated & caused problems because real prices didn't drop as much as devaluation- savings of a coop ((+