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last year (1977) Pak Harjop. tried another govn. variety, but result also poor (1/3 of normal) 
rat plague in '58 which wiped out crops
a little wereng (pernah tapi sedikit sekali) but didn't wipe out 
obat hamah 700 Rp 1 liter from kantor kalurahan which gets from Dep. Pertanian Wonosari
- also got credit for hand sprayer - cost 3000 Rp payable over 1 year - 1 handsprayer per dukoh
- some but not all HHs have cattle (with brahmas or lembu, tho saw a couple of lembu mixed with wild banteng)- lembu used for working the fields
- eat grass, peanut leaves, pete china leaves, etc.
- some look for grass along roads, some buy at Pasan Kajar with price 100 Rp per pikul
- pasar Kajar operates every morning but hari legi most busy


insert: Javanese week
1. legi
2. poking
3. pon
4. wage
5. kliwon

reminders - next legi this monday July 11- attend market also appt. Kantor Kab. Sept 7:30 am & Dibyos house seen 10:00
Pak Rurah & Carik Senin 10:00

- one perapen usually uses at least 8300 Rp daily, as follows: 
besi 30K - 3000Rp
Charcoal 2 1/2 karong - 2000 Rp
labor - empu 700
ubub 400
kikis 400 
2 panjak 800
(makan & minum & rokok
food & drinks & cigarettes) 1000

busiest month ("paling laris") Aug., esp. for dandang (pickaxes) - slowest months Jan & Feb ("paling seret") 

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why? doesn't gibe w/ book2, p71
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will not stop production as long as have capital
(pedagang) traders come from Semarang, Surabaya, Wonosobo
once a gotong royong project to repair roads, but never a padat Karya program - have been told there will be, but nothing