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training courses
wages are usually paid once a week but if a worker requests sooner can get 
empu doesn't always work with same pemukul, but can change around if need to
sometimes happens that if a pengusaka out of raw materials & an empu has iron he can use the perapen to make his own tools which he sells himself
7:30-5:00 work hours
Work overtime if orders or if expect for any reason a good market situation
Harjop. hopes to open another perapen soon if poss.
his iron from coop
coop get from Semarang, Jogja & other cities
transport provided by seller (truck) and don't use Sastro's truck (is this true?)
cost of transport of iron 4000 Rp a truckload from Jogja - Kajar
- 30K of iron for an aver sized perapen per day, but a large perapen can use 50k a day


- areng is brought in by colt & cost paid by seller not pengusaha Kajar; transport cost 100 Rp per karong
- Pak H gets a load of areng once every 5 days (every Kluvon)
- iron & charcoal stored in a room on the side of his house
- finished tools sold in 2 ways: 1. disetor to cooperasi 2. sold directly to small traders in the southern mtns; taken there by colt
- tools given to coop half-finished while tools sold directly fully finished
tools saved up for about 5 days before giving to coop or sending to the south
tools from Pak H's perapen are displayed at the Sekaten fair in Jogja every year
Pak H has never borrowed capital directly from bank but once borrowed 30,000 Rp from coop
- profits higher than 2 or 3 yrs ago
- owns 2 bicycles, no other vehicles
- requirements for joining coop:
1. pay savings 1000Rp
2. may be someone from outside